Impact Report with 4 EcoSplat Characters

EcoSplat Impact Report 2022

EcoSplat Reusable Water Balloons Impact Report 2022. Four EcoSplat characters and EcoSplat website
EcoSplat Impact Report page 2. Anthea Madill and Helen Townsend standing in a garden, holding EcoSplat reusable water balloons and smiling at the camera.
EcoSplat Impact Report page 3. Cartoon images about the problems with the toy industry
EcoSplat Impact Report page 4
EcoSplat Impact Report page 5. Carbon, Ecologi logo, EcoSplat character holding a leaf

EcoSplat Impact Report page 6

EcoSplat Impact Report page 7. A 11 year old girl being splashed with EcoSplat Reusable Water Balloons, she is laughing and her hair is flying around.
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